Animate Networks

“Animate Networks” is a project that reimagines Le Corbusier’s Mill Owners Association building in Ahmedabad using timber strands and spatial organization techniques. Developed in collaboration with Rasmus Holst, it employed Rhino 3D software and Python programming to create algorithmically defined geometric forms. The design process involved three computational techniques: a force directed graph simulation for spatial organization, iso-surf system for surface generation, and digital strands representing timber strips for architectural form. The resulting building design was defined by the interaction and turbulence of strand components, arranged by internal and external forces. The project was exhibited at the Australian Institute of Architects digital innovation awards in 2014.

View over the Sabermati River
Map of Ahmedabad, India
Interior of the reimagined building.

The organisation and connection of space were first explored through a force directed graph simulation. This simulation constructed a network system of nodes and links that interacted towards a self-organisation. The nodes were programmed as autonomous agents each with interacting sets of desires and used to organise the proximities of spaces. The links between agents retained the visual and physical connectivity set up through the determined network topology. The system produced multiple outcomes which provided input into the second technique.

2. From the network, an iso-surf system traced thresholds between the linking nodes to produce space defining surfaces. This system could calibrate surface generation through multiple points along each link delivering various outcomes from each tested topology. The series of thresholds that achieved the design criteria encapsulated within the brief provided the basis of the last technique.
3. Each surface threshold attained a series of characteristics informing its role in the overall architecture. These surfaces provided a basis to generate a field of point geometry each with a unique identity and set of forming instructions. To create architectural form a series of digitally generated strands representing timber strips connected these points defining different densities of enclosure as an interpretation of door openings, fenestration and wall.
Lower Ground Plan
Ground Plan
Upper Floor Plan